Matt Hutchinson Animation Demo’s

The Tiny Chef Show has developed a cult following through its short-form stop-motion animation featuring the Tiny Chef, voiced by Matt Hutchinson, as he cooks, sings, and lives his life in his tree-stump house. One of his biggest fans is EP Kristen Bell who began a formal partnership with Tiny Chef after discovering the property and had been promoting the character and its online adventures on social media.
— Deadline
@thetinychefshow Cheffy knows the best way to pick himself back up. With some plant based ice cream. @lizzo how’d he do? #tinychef ♬ original sound - Thetinychefshow

Another calming ASMR for you…

♬ original sound - Thetinychefshow

Whats been the best gift you ever got?

♬ original sound - Thetinychefshow
@thetinychefshow One of Cheffys first times cooking on camera!!! He’s always been a natural! #tinychef #cooking ♬ original sound - Thetinychefshow
@thetinychefshow Cheffy is doin ok y’all hes just getting a little down on his luck. The team is giving him some extra comfort today. #tinychef ♬ original sound - Thetinychefshow